Hidden in Plain Sight
HD video 14' single screen
Film work featuring scenes based closely on selected passages from Robert Bresson’s celebrated film PickPocket (1959) where the protagonist is seen rehearsing and performing the techniques used by street pickpockets to avoid being caught. Hidden in Plain Sight was conceived in the wake of the 2008 financial crash, which uncovered the wide-scale use of corporate sleights of hand to cover up malpractice. For the film the artist worked with actors in the studio to reenact scenes from Bresson’s film and accompanied this with a new voice-over she scripted to highlight the invasive and intimate nature of the act of theft.
The film was originally commissioned for L’ete photographique de Lectoure curated by Catsou Roberts and was originally presented as a screening/ performance with an actor (whose appearance and bearing was similar to the protagonists). The film reflected on the use of mimicry and deception at play in the work of the thief, the actor and the production of the artwork itself.
Sample from script: The first time was at Longchamps on race day. It was busy. A race was about to begin. People were rushing to put a bet on one of the horses or to get to take their places on the viewing stands. I had made my decision some days before. But would I have the nerve?
I first saw her at a distance, her bag open and a sheaf of notes in her hand.
I followed her blond head to the West Stand. Her hair was fastened up in a French pleat, her neck bare. She was intent on the horses under starters orders at the gate. I moved in to take position close behind her. Maybe she felt my presence or my breath on the back of her neck because she turned around. Watchful for a moment she quickly returned her attention to the race, which had started by then. When she was rapt, eyes trained on the distant action, I made my first move.
Sample from script continued: The bag was glossy and rich tan coloured, constructed from thick saddle leather. It was secured with a simple golden clasp. I ran my fingers lightly over the clasp to understand its mechanism. With two fingers I eased the clasp to a horizontal position and with a small movement the top of the bag was released. With my right thumb I levered the flap open and pushed my hand into the cool interior of the bag.
I was walking on air the world at my feet. But a minute later I was caught.
Exhibitions / screenings of the film:
Screening/ performance for opening of The Vanishing Point of History, L’ete Photographique de Lectoure, Centre d’Art et Photographie, Gers France. 17 July 2015
The Photographer’s Gallery, London. Screening/ performance on ocassion of event for The Overcoat publication, November 2015.
Deptford X, Screening/ performance at Albion Theatre, Deptford at invitation of lead artist Janette Parris, September 2016
Saison Video , Northern France, Solo online screening, 28 Feburary - 10 April 2022
BELOW: INSTALLATIONS SHOT FROM DEPTFORD X September 2015 & Or Gallery, Vancouver 2018